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Terms of Service

Acceptable Use and Content Policy

Last Updated June 24, 2024


This Acceptable Use and Content Policy ("Policy") applies to all users of any product, platform, or service offered by YIRIFI under an agreement where this Policy is linked or referenced ("Agreement"). You must promptly notify us of any violations of this Policy.

Capitalized terms not defined in this Policy have the meanings assigned to them in the Agreement. The following terms have the meanings ascribed to them below, unless otherwise defined in the Agreement:

"YIRIFI," "We," "Our," and "Us" refer to Pte. Ltd. or one of its affiliated entities, whichever entity is a party to the Agreement with You.

"Product Materials" encompass the Product, all materials embodied in or comprising the Product, and all related intellectual property, proprietary, and database rights, including any Licensed Materials.

"User Materials" include all data, information, and materials entered, loaded, transmitted, or processed by users of the Product.

"You" (and its derivatives) refers to the Client, Participant, or entity that is the other party to the Agreement with Us.


Prohibited User Materials

The following types of User Materials are prohibited:

  • User Materials that infringe on any third party's intellectual property, privacy, or other legal rights;

  • User Materials that are defamatory, libelous, hateful, biased, offensive, threatening, harassing, vulgar, pornographic, obscene, or invasive of privacy;

  • User Materials that promote hacking, cracking, or other malicious activities;

  • User Materials associated with illegal activities, including but not limited to gambling, drug paraphernalia, phishing, and illegal software;

  • Malicious software or content;

  • User Materials that are false, inaccurate, or misleading;

  • User Materials that violate or encourage the violation of applicable laws or third-party rights.

We and Our suppliers reserve the right to move, remove, or modify User Materials to ensure compliance with Our respective legal obligations and the Agreement.


Usage Restrictions

You will not, directly or indirectly, and will not permit any Authorized Users or others to:

  • Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code, object code, or underlying algorithms of the Product;

  • Frame, mirror, republish, download, transmit, or distribute the Product Materials except as expressly permitted by the Agreement;

  • Modify, translate, or create derivative works based on any part of the Product Materials;

  • Use the Product Materials to develop a competing product or service;

  • Rent, lease, distribute, sell, resell, assign, or otherwise transfer rights to use the Product or Product Materials (except as expressly permitted by the Agreement);

  • Use the Product Materials solely for internal use and not disclose the Product or Product Materials for use by any third party without prior written consent;

  • Use the Product for timesharing purposes or for the benefit of any person or entity other than for Your and Authorized Users’ benefit;

  • Remove any proprietary notices from the Product Materials;

  • Publish or disclose to third parties any evaluations or benchmarks of the Product or its performance;

  • Use the Product for any purpose other than its intended purpose and within the scope set forth in the Agreement;

  • Interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Product, including attempting to test its vulnerability or breach Our security measures;

  • Introduce any open-source software into the Product;

  • Introduce any unauthorized or unlawful content, information, data, or materials into the Product;

  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Product or related systems or networks;

  • Make an unreasonable number of API calls or impose an unreasonable load on the Product;

  • Use the Product Materials in high-risk activities where failure could result in death, serious injury, or environmental damage, such as in aircraft, nuclear, or chemical facilities.

Suspension of Access

a. We reserve the right to suspend Your, any Authorized Users’, or any other person’s access to the Product if any unauthorized conduct is detected or suspected, including violations of the Agreement, excessive load on the Product, or an unreasonable number of API calls.

b. We will attempt to notify You prior to or during any suspension; however, notification is not a condition for exercising suspension rights.

c. Suspension may apply to Your entire account, including Authorized User sub-accounts.

d. We are not liable to You, any Authorized Users, or third parties for suspending access as permitted by this Section.

e. Access will be reinstated once We determine that the unauthorized conduct has ceased to Our satisfaction.

f. Repeated suspensions, regardless of cause, may constitute a material breach of the Agreement, allowing Us to pursue additional remedies.

Legal Compliance and Cooperation

We may report any illegal actions to law enforcement authorities. When required by law or at Our discretion, We will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in their investigations of alleged illegal activity involving the Services. We have the right to disclose User Data and information about You in response to legal requests or subpoenas. To the extent permitted by law, We will attempt to notify You in advance and cooperate with Your efforts to challenge such requests, provided this does not conflict with Our legal obligations.

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